
Dee Omotade

Who are you?

My name is Dee, I’m a fulltime doctor specialising in clinical imaging and Co-founder of MountNoireLondon. I have a love and passion for all things travel. You can find me on the next flight whenever I’ve got a spare moment. I’m quite an outdoor girl but equally I do love my Netflix and chill.

How you got into skiing?

The idea of skiing was first introduced to me by a friend from university back in 2015, at the time I couldn’t understand why anyone would want to spend their hard earn money (or in my case student maintenance loan) in the cold, it just didn’t make sense. However, after days of nagging from my friend, I aggressively punched in my card details and clicked confirm and there I was on my way to explore this so-called “blissful Ski experience”, So in other words, I was dragged to my first ever ski Trip.

Why I love skiing?

In all honesty, I was terrified especially being afraid of heights but despite my fears I did it! And I must say, it was one of the best trips ever! I remember the excitement and thrill of heading down the slopes with friends, It was so much fun, you meet lots of people and there’s so much support. I choose snowboarding over skiing as it seemed cooler and boy was I right, (having done both now) my personal preference is definitely snowboarding. I must admit it was tricky at first and I spent the first few days on my bottom but by day 4 I was felt like the king of the slopes, gliding down like a boss. It was truly Bliss!

Since then I’ve been to other ski resorts in Slovakia and Chamonix and I simply love the ski culture; the whole atmosphere being surrounded by mountains, delicious food, great people and just the vibe and energy, Its trully like no other and I would advocate that everyone start their ski journey now.